* Copyright 2003-2007 * * Version 0.2 * * Requirements: PHP 4.1.0 or later. * For information about Open Sound Control, * see http://www.opensoundcontrol.org/ * * This is free software. * It may contain bugs, design flaws or other unforseeable problems. * Please feel free to report problems (or success stories) to the author. * * License: LGPL version 2.1 or later. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * For questions regarding this library contact * Andy W. Schmeder */ // Test if this machine is a little endian architecture function test_little_endian() { $cpu_int = pack("L", 1); // Machine dependent $be_int = pack("N", 1); // Machine independent if($cpu_int[0] == $be_int[0]) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } // Test if this machine uses twos complement representation function test_twos_complement() { $cpu_int = pack("i", -1); // Machine dependent if(ord($cpu_int[0]) == 255) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // Take note of the configuration for this machine. $_arch_little_endian = test_little_endian(); $_arch_twos_complement = test_twos_complement(); if(! $_arch_twos_complement) { trigger_error("WARNING: This machine does not use twos-complement integers. " . "Negative numbers may not be represented correctly.", E_USER_NOTICE); } /** This is a utility function to convert from CPU byte order to network order (big endian). * * It is necessary to use this function because PHP's pack() function does not support * big endian encoding for most data types. (It only does big endian for unsigned ints). */ function host_to_network_order($str) { global $_arch_little_endian; if($_arch_little_endian) { $swstr = ""; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) { $swstr .= $str[(strlen($str)-1)-$i]; } return $swstr; } else { // No conversion necessary for big-endian arch return $str; } } /** OSCDatagram is a virtual base class for OSCMessage and OSCBundle. */ class OSCDatagram { // Virtual private data var $bin = NULL; var $data = NULL; // Virtual functions function get_binary() {} function clear() {} // Shared functions /** Returns a semi-human readable representation of the binary data. * Printable bytes will appear as "_C" where C is the printable character. * Non-printable bytes will appear in hex, e.g. '20' for a space (\s) character * Bytes are clustered in groups of 4 to show the alignment. */ function get_human_readable($hex_only = FALSE) { $bin = $this->get_binary(); $hex = ""; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($bin); $i++) { if((! $hex_only) && ord($bin[$i]) >= 33 && ord($bin[$i]) <= 126) { // Printable characters $hex .= "_" . chr(ord($bin[$i])); } else { $hex .= sprintf("%02x", ord($bin[$i])); } if($i != 0 && $i < strlen($bin) && ($i+1) % 4 == 0) { $hex .= " "; } } return $hex . "\n"; } /** Pack data into $this->bin as 4-byte aligned, network-byte order. */ function pack_data($data, $type_hint) { $bin = ""; switch($type_hint) { case "T": case "F": case "N": case "I": return; // These types have no allocated space case "A": foreach($data as $arg) { $this->pack_data($arg[0], $arg[1]); } break; case "s": $data .= "\0"; // The builtin \0 terminator is ignored... we must explicitly request one. $bin = pack("a*" . $this->get_strpad($data), $data); break; case "b": $this->pack_data(strlen($data->bin), "i"); $bin = pack("a*" . $this->get_strpad($data->bin), $data->bin); break; case "i": $bin = host_to_network_order(pack("i", $data)); // Machine-independent size (4-bytes) break; case "f": $bin = host_to_network_order(pack("f", $data)); // Machine-dependent size if(strlen($bin) != 4) { $this->error("Sorry, your machine uses an unsupported single-precision floating point size."); } break; case "d": $bin = host_to_network_order(pack("d", $data)); // Machine-dependent size if(strlen($bin) != 8) { $this->error("Sorry, your machine uses an unsupported double-precision floating point size."); } break; case "t": if(is_null($data)) { $data = new Timetag(); } $bin = host_to_network_order(pack("L", $data->sec)) . host_to_network_order(pack("L", $data->frac_sec)); break; } if(strlen($bin) % 4 != 0) { $this->error("$data failed to align properly, size is " . strlen($bin) . " bytes."); } $this->bin .= $bin; } /** Utility to generate padding for strings */ function get_strpad($str) { $x = (strlen($str)) % 4; if($x == 0) { return ''; } else { $x = 4 - $x; } switch($x) { case 1: return 'x'; case 2: return 'xx'; case 3: return 'xxx'; default: $this->error("Pad calculation is screwy, x = $x"); } } /** Report an error */ function error($message) { trigger_error("OSCDatagram Error: $message", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** OSCMessage type */ class OSCMessage extends OSCDatagram { var $address = "/"; var $typetags = ","; var $data = array(); /** Make a new message - Optionally specify address and arguements. * * e.g. $a = new OSCMessage("/foo", array(1, 2.94, "bar")) * It is not possible to provide type-hinting using this initialization method. */ function OSCMessage($address = NULL, $args = NULL) { if(! is_null($address)) { $this->address = $address; } if(is_array($args)) { foreach($args as $arg) { $this->add_arg($arg); } } } /** Reset internal data structures */ function clear() { $this->address = "/"; $this->typetags = ","; $this->data = array(); $this->bin = NULL; } /** Set packet address * e.g. "/test". * See OSC spec for details on allowed characters in an OSC address. */ function set_address($addr) { $this->bin = NULL; $this->address = $addr; } /** Add an arg to the OSC message. * $data can be an integer, float, string, boolean, NULL, or an array of those types. * $type-hint is optional. */ function add_arg($data, $type_hint = NULL) { $this->bin = NULL; if($type_hint == NULL) { $type_hint = $this->get_type($data); } $data = $this->set_type($data, $type_hint); array_push($this->data, array($data, $type_hint)); } /** Try to guess the type of data. * If this does not work for you, try using a type-hint. */ function get_type($data) { switch(gettype($data)) { case "integer": return "i"; case "double": case "float": return "f"; case "string": return "s"; case "boolean": if($data) { return "T"; } else { return "F"; } case "array": // Array type will be handled later... 'A' is not actually an OSC type. return "A"; case "object": switch(strtolower(get_class($data))) { case "infinitum": return "I"; case "timetag": return "t"; case "blob": return "b"; default: $this->error("Unknown or unsupported object type."); } case "NULL": return "N"; default: $this->error("Unknown or unsupported data type."); } } /** Cast data to type, and add type info to typetags. */ function set_type($data, $type_tag) { switch($type_tag) { case "i": $this->typetags .= "i"; return (int)$data; case "f"; $this->typetags .= "f"; return (double)$data; case "d"; $this->typetags .= "d"; return (double)$data; case "s": case "c": $this->typetags .= "s"; return (string)$data; case "T": $this->typetags .= "T"; return TRUE; case "F": $this->typetags .= "F"; return FALSE; case "N": $this->typetags .= "N"; return NULL; case "I": $this->typetags .= "I"; return $data; case "t": $this->typetags .= "t"; return $data; case "b": $this->typetags .= "b"; return $data; case "A": // Array is now expanded... $this->typetags .= "["; $data = (array)$data; for($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { $type_tag = $this->get_type($data[$i]); $data[$i] = array($this->set_type($data[$i], $type_tag), $type_tag); } $this->typetags .= "]"; return $data; default: trigger_error("Unrecognized type tag, '$type_tag'", E_USER_ERROR); } } function get_binary() { // Check for cached binary representation and reuse if found. if(! is_null($this->bin)) { return $this->bin; } // Pack address... $this->pack_data($this->address, "s"); // Pack typetags... $this->pack_data($this->typetags, "s"); // Pack args... foreach($this->data as $arg) { $this->pack_data($arg[0], $arg[1]); } return $this->bin; } } /** OSCBundle datagram type * This object can contain any number of other OSCDatagram objects. */ class OSCBundle extends OSCDatagram { var $data = array(); var $timetag = NULL; /** Create a new OSCBundle datagram * * $init may be an array of OSCDatagram objects, * e.g. $b = new OSCBundle(new OSCMessage(...), new OSCBundle(...)) * * Otherwise, add messages at runtime using OSCBundle::add_datagram. */ function OSCBundle($init = NULL) { if(is_array($init)) { foreach($init as $d) { $this->add_datagram($d); } } } /** Set time tag as whole seconds since July 1, 1970, and fraction of a second. * This feature is not tested, but it should work if you need it. * * If timetag is not set, it will default to "Immediate". */ function set_timetag($timetag_obj) { $this->timetag = $timetag_obj; } /** Add an OSCDatagram object to a bundle. * This can be either an OSCMessage or an OSCBundle. * However, you cannot reasonably add a bundle to itself. */ function add_datagram($osc_datagram) { $this->bin = NULL; array_push($this->data, $osc_datagram); } function clear() { $this->bin = NULL; $this->data = NULL; } function get_binary() { if($this->bin != NULL) { return $this->bin; } $this->bin = ""; $this->pack_data("#bundle", "s"); $this->pack_data($this->timetag, "t"); foreach($this->data as $datagram) { $bin = $datagram->get_binary(); $this->pack_data((int)strlen($bin), "i"); $this->bin .= $bin; } return $this->bin; } } /** OSCClient uses a connectionless UDP socket to transmit binary to its destination. * * Example of use: * * $c = new OSCClient(); * $c->set_destination("", 3890); * $c->send(new OSCMessage("/foo", array(1,2,3))); * ... etc. * * Since it is connectionless, you can change the destination address/port at any time. * If you are having problems establishing communication, it may be due to a bad address, * improper setup of the IP routing table, or a problem on the other end. When in doubt, * use tcpdump or ethereal to check that packets are indeed being transmitted. */ class OSCClient { var $sock = NULL; var $address = NULL; var $port = NULL; function OSCClient($address = NULL, $port = NULL) { $this->address = $address; $this->port = $port; if(($this->sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { $this->error("Could not create datagram socket."); } } /** Destructor function, usually not needed, provided in case you want to free the socket. */ function destroy() { socket_close($this->sock); } /* // You can enable this part if you have PHP 4.3.0 or later... function enable_broadcast() { if(($ret = socket_set_option($this->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1)) < 0) { $this->error("Failed to enable broadcast option."); } } function disable_broadcast() { if(($ret = socket_set_option($this->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 0)) < 0) { $this->error("Failed to disable broadcast option."); } } */ /** Address is an IP address, given as a string. * To convert a hostname to IP, use gethostbyname('www.example.com') * You must also specify a port as an integer, typically $port is larger than 1024. */ function set_destination($address, $port) { $this->address = $address; $this->port = $port; } /** send() accepts either an OSCDatagram object or a binary string */ function send($message) { if(is_null($this->address) || is_null($this->port)) { $this->error("Destination is not well-defined. Please use OSCClient::set_destination()."); } if(is_object($message)) { $message = $message->get_binary(); } if(($ret = socket_sendto($this->sock, $message, strlen($message), 0, $this->address, $this->port)) < 0) { $this->error("Transmission failure."); } if($ret != strlen($message)) { $mlen = strlen($message); $this->error("Could not send the entire message, only $ret bytes were sent, of $mlen total"); } return $ret; } /** Report a fatal error. */ function error($message) { trigger_error("OSCClient Error: $message", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** Object to represent the OSC Infinitum type ("I") */ class Infinitum { } /** 64-bit OSC timetag type, Refer to NTP format for details. * $sec is integer seconds since Jan 1 1900, and $frac_sec is fractions of a second. * The special timetag $sec = 0, $frac_sec = 1 corresponds to "immediate" in OSC, * and should be used in all applications where explicit absolute timetags are not implemented. */ class Timetag { function Timetag($sec = 0, $frac_sec = 1) { $this->sec = $sec; $this->frac_sec = $frac_sec; } } /** Binary Blob datatype * Blob is basically a non-null-terminated string prefixed by a size indicator. */ class Blob { function Blob($bin) { $this->bin = $bin; } } /** Run some tests to make sure the library behaves in a sane way. */ function test_osc_lib() { $c = new OSCClient(); $c->set_destination("", 3980); $m1 = new OSCMessage("/test", array(new Timetag(3294967295, 5), new Infinitum(), new Blob("aoeuaoeu!"))); $m1->add_arg(28658.93, "d"); $m2 = new OSCMessage("/bar", array(1, 2, array(1,2,3))); $b = new OSCBundle(); $b->add_datagram($m1); $b->add_datagram($m2); $b2 = new OSCBundle(array($m1, $b)); echo $b2->get_human_readable(); //echo $m1->get_human_readable(); $c->send($m1); } // Uncomment to run the test // test_osc_lib(); ?>