1. Do I know your "very specific" technical needs - outputs, mics, monitors, stage-layout? Stereo output, no mics, no monitors (i will be in the middle of audience if possible), so there will be nothing on the stage. 2. Do I know what you are bringing along with you? WiFi router (No need to be connected to Internet) Linux Laptop (running Csound) Several Android smartphones that might be lent to audience (in addition to audience's smartphones) 3. Have you sent me the program note for the conference booklet? "Audience's Smartphone Jam Session" This piece is produced live by interaction between Csound and the audience. Simultaneously up to 16 people can join the interaction. The first part is made of many simple decaying tones and the audiece can fluctuate the freqeuncies and the depth of reverb by touching their smartphones. The second part they can modulate the degree of distortion and the panning position of a slowly waving cluster of tones by tilting and moving the smartphones around. The third (last) part has nothing until each of audience touches his/her smartphone. Every time each person touches, a tone is generated, and gradually changes according to how many times they touch. 4. Do I have your photo and bio? photo: http://tkita.net/pic/camk2013-0810.jpg bio: Born in Nara in 1967. Professor at the Institute for e-Learning Development, Kumamoto University, Japan. Ph.D. in Engineering (Nagoya University, 2005). Fields of interest: e-learning systems, nonlinear systems, electronic music. JSSA (Japanese Society for Sonic Arts) and ACMP (Asia Computer Music Project) board member. Website: http://tkita.net/ 5. Have you filled out the included Friend Recital Hall Setup Diagram? nothing special setup in particluar 6. Does your piece use video and did you send me the video? I will use no video. Similarly configured pieces were played on August 10 at CAMK Laptop Music Concert and Workshop (http://www.camk.or.jp/english/exhibition/index.html) and in the digest https://soundcloud.com/kitatoshihiro/camk-music-wave-no-71-2013-08 the 4.00-5.00 part corresponds to the first part, 5.20-6.20 the second, 13.00-17.00 the third (the third part would be softer and beatless in this piece).